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Intelligent Automation | RPA | AI

Intelligent Automation
to make it 'Future-Ready'

We bring the advanced capabilities of automation through RPA to the Financial Services - Mutual Fund, Capital Market, Wealth Management and Revenue Cycle .
More importantly, we understand the expectations.

Infusing the power of AI within RPA

Intelligent Automation (IA) adds an added layer to RPA by bringing in a certain degree of cognitive ability involving some form of judgement and problem solving.

Commonly applied technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), natural language understanding (NLU), optical character recognizing (OCR), reading handwriting, and voice recognition with RPA can form the IA solutions that can directly or indirectly assist the employees in performing the non-routine tasks.

Deep Process


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Advanced Analytical Layer

Transform the process through advanced automation. 

Reduce operational expense through automation, stay compliant and serve clients without compromise.


Automate every nuance of the process using deep learning and advanced RPA tools.


​Differentiate from the crowd. Incorporate AI within RPA projects to deliver more and beyond.


Now with deep learning ability, both unstructured and structured data can be processed and in further combining with the RPA, we can enable organizations to automate end-to-end process.

'All in One' Solution

In the changing landscape, accounts receivable and revenue cycle needs to be more agile, nimble and highly efficient. Intelligent automation manages to deliver scale and growth at enterprise level.


Maximize the outcome with cognitive technologies so you can serve and operate 24x7, with minimal staff while serving nationwide.

We are talking about 40% reduction in efforts


Enhanced processing while delivering error-free and compliant results is completely possible through robotic process.

0% error rate. Turn around time reduced by 90%


Reducing operational cost has always been a #1 priority for revenue cycle managers. Now, RPA technologies has made it possible than ever.

30% reduction in the overall cost

Testimonial | StayAhead

In order to bring in the needed efficiency so we could scale and grow, we had to start automating. Now 45% of the processes are either partly or fully automated.

Tools | RPA | Revenue

​​Right set of automation in place.

Sustainable Revenue.


Get your copy of the eBook

Leaders guide for Robotic Process Automation

A comprehensive guide exclusively for operational leaders in the financial services for building and scaling the automation within their existing and new operations.

Practical guidance for implementing robotic process automation (RPA).

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